The True Believer is finally in production after filmmaker/script writer Nathaniel Bennett and his wife saved for a year to be able to fund the project.
In the film two brothers, played by Alex Warren and Thomas Shelton, will work together to try to find Bigfoot. They’ll also be attending a civic forum to try to stop logging in Bigfoot habitat areas.
The script is said to be ‘absolutely hilarious.’ The 30-minute indy film will be entered in Ashland and Sacramento film festivals, and other film festivals throughout the country.
Source: Indy film starts shooting locally: Jacksonville up first; 30-minute movie has Bigfoot as part of plot by Tony Boom, published September 28, 2009 in the Mail Tribune.

I think Nat should take the bigfoot thing more serious. I am getting ready to do a documentary on the NW Bigfoot. I have working on this for two years and I have researched areas and talked to people who have had incounters with him. So keep an eye out for a documentary called Tracking Bigfoot. It is going to be AWESOME.
I guess we’ll have to wait and see what’s funny about it. That’s how one of the lead actors described the script.
Why would the script be absolutely hilarious ? I can see parts of it being funny, but not the whole thing….
Darn, and I took off Youtube my slideshow of Bigfoot made from my charcoal eraser! If only I would have stuck it out a little longer.
I wish them the best.
Im very pleased to see a movie about Bigfoot
I think it could be a great success.I spent a lot of time writing a Bigfoot movie sound track, You can listen to it on my website, under my music, and click on Bigfoot movie sound track. I wish Mr. Bennett the best. James Kocher, Song Writer