Armchair Quarterbacks?

I found one! The writer at admits not wanting to traipse around in the woods looking for Bigfoot scat, though the person likes reading about them. I had to agree, this writer is onto something.

My recent experience in the woods was minor to say the least, but it brought forth a few realities of Bigfoot research. (1) Poison Oak. (2) Mosquitoes. (3) Standing Upright on Steep Hillsides.

Learn from my mistakes. Be prepared.

On the other hand, I noticed that though plenty of mosquitoes landed on me, I have no pesky mosquito bites to show for it. It may be because I have a habit of eating lots of garlic, both cooked and fresh.

For poison oak, if you have to walk through an area innundated by these plants take a shower or at least get in the nearest river or stream to wash the poison oak oils off once in a while. And if a rash develops, you might like what my doctor gave me – it’s a cream called triamcinolone acetonide. It dries up and dispels the rash in only a few days as compared to the normal course of a poison oak rash – about two weeks. It must be used sparingly and I really don’t know what the hazards of using it are – but considering the benefits I’ve been pleased with the results.

2 Replies to “Armchair Quarterbacks?”

  1. Sliding on fine gravels might be prevented by wearing hiking boots rather than 1-year-old walking shoes, as I was wearing that day.

    I have the story written down already – and will include it in my book. I may post something to this weblog sooner.

    We really should go out hiking in the woods more often.

  2. Hey Linda,

    You left out the best part. The part about how you almost fell off the cliff while filming the cave. I don’t exactly see how you could have prepared yourself for that one, unless you have the ability to fly maybe. Tell me the story, please. It is exciting.

    :) Tara

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Armchair Quarterbacks?

I found one! The writer at admits not wanting to traipse around in the woods looking for Bigfoot scat, though the person likes reading about them. I had to agree, this writer is onto something. My recent experience in the woods was minor to say the least, but it brought forth a few realities of Bigfoot research. (1) Poison Oak. (2) Mosquitoes. (3) Standing Upright on Steep Hillsides. Learn from my mistakes. Be prepared. On the other hand, I noticed that though plenty of mosquitoes landed on me, I have no pesky mosquito bites to show for it. It may be because I have a habit of eating lots of garlic, both cooked and fresh. For poison oak, if you have to walk through an area innundated by these plants take a shower or at least get in the nearest river or stream to wash the poison oak oils off once in a while. And if a rash develops, you might like what my doctor gave me – it’s a cream called triamcinolone acetonide. It dries up and dispels the rash in only a few days as compared to the normal course of a poison oak rash – about two weeks. It must be used sparingly and I really don’t know what the hazards of using it are – but considering the benefits I’ve been pleased with the results.

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