I see Steven Streufert wrote something in his blog about Willow Creek’s Bigfoot Days celebration this last weekend.
Here in Happy Camp I avoided the Bigfoot Jamboree this year because there’s no Bigfoot content to it. I have gone in the past and enjoyed it but I’ve been in Happy Camp for nearly ten years, and so far as I know in all that time they’ve had only one Bigfoot presentation scheduled, and that was in 2006 when Dr. Matthew Johnson came here to tell us about his Bigfoot sighting at Oregon Caves.
Next year I’ll offer to speak at the Happy Camp Bigfoot Jamboree. I’ve been studying Bigfoot sightings around this community since 2005. I started my research because the town had numerous businesses named after Bigfoot, the statues, etc… but few stories about actual Bigfoot encounters. I wanted to know if there’s any basis for the Bigfoot hoopla here – the Bigfoot Jamboree and all.
During my four years of Bigfoot research I’ve heard quite a few stories about local sightings/phenomena and read many more on the internet. I’m ready to present my findings to the public… and so… if they’ll have me speak at the 2010 Bigfoot Jamboree, I’ll tell them about what I’ve found out, so far.
Without Bigfoot speakers, the events are just music and vendors. People trying to make money and other people spending money because it is the most exciting thing to happen in a small town in months. Stuff I can do without — but God bless them!
Steven Streufert has the same idea… that his town’s Bigfoot Days celebration needs Bigfoot speakers to be complete. He suggests a conference there next year. If that comes off, I will have to divide my time that weekend between my (hopeful) talk at Happy Camp’s Bigfoot Jamboree and Willow Creek’s Bigfoot Days. In any case, I hope that organizers of these events realize that Bigfoot research is a vital hobby for many of us and that we’d like to have this represented during the celebrations.
Yes, that does seem odd not having a Bigfoot speaker at a Bigfoot event. Linda, did you get the three children’s Bigfoot books that I sent?
Hi Linda… I just got the books! I’m going to email you…