This morning I read the letter Janice Carter Coy sent to Mary Green about her experience with Tennessee Bigfoot sightings during her childhood. This is the case Green’s book, 50 Years With Bigfoot: Tennessee Chronicles of Co-Existence is based on.
The topic came up over on Bigfoot Forums as someone was trying to get information about where to get a copy of the book. Now, I’d like to know. Where can I get this? I searched Amazon and it isn’t there.
Apparently Janice Carter Coy was about seven years old when she literally ran into a Bigfoot at her grandfather’s Tennessee farm. According to her letter, her grandfather established a relationship with the Bigfoot and fed him regularly.
I know lots of Bigfoot enthusiasts complain about Mary Green and the work she’s done. I don’t, and am saddened when people react that way toward others. I would like to check this out for myself, so if you have any idea where I can get this book, please let me know.
So how DO you get a copy of 50 Years With Bigfoot: Tennessee Chronicles of Co-Existence???
S – Try eBay…
Has anyone in the Smyrna TN. area had any encounters with a creature on or near the W.M.A and Stones river? Found large foot prints near the cemetary at Hwy 41 and Florence road in this area on June 18 2009.Sighted a large hair covered animal standing erect in a non-plowed field on the W.M.A. in May 09 on the east side of this hunting and game refuge area.Can’t say it was or was not a bigfoot.Foot prints clearly show a large biped animal.Cross section of print was about 7-8 inches wide. The print was only about half the size of the whole foot.It stepped up on a small patch of dirt from a rut below.This site was off to the left side of the cemetary down a little used drit road.Dirt is dump from time to time back there from recent services. This print was about 1-2 days old.Other prints showed the usually animals for the area–deer, dogs etc..
Has anyone in the Smyrna TN. area had any encounters with a creature on or near the W.M.A and Stones river? Found large foot prints near the cemetary at Hwy 41 and Florence road in this area on June 18 2009.Sighted a large hair covered animal standing erect in a non-plowed field on the W.M.A. in May 09 on the east side of this hunting and game refuge area.Can’t say it was or was not a bigfoot.Foot prints clearly show a large biped animal.Cross section of print was about 7-8 inches wide. The print was only about half the size of the whole foot.It stepped up on a small patch of drit from a rut below.This site was off to the left side of the cemetary down a little used drit road.Drit is dump from time to time back there from recent services. This print was about 1-2 days old.Other prints shjowed the usually animals for the area–deer, dogs etc..
I just happen to live less than a quarter of a mile from the Carter farm in Tennessee. I came upon this article while browsing, and must say that I had quite a hearty laugh when I read it. I know Janice Carter, and you should have really done more research before publishing this. I have lived in this area for 39 years, and have good knowledge of the Carter family and this article cannot be trusted as an accurate account. Sorry folks, there is no Sasquach creature here. This woman collects animals. And bigfoot has never been seen here by anyone I know.
guys i studied bigfoot storys and watch all the videos and seen all the pics. i myself am stuck in between believing myself and saying well they have never had a body or sold concrete evidvence. i just don’t think everyone is seeing just a bear or their mind playing tricks of them!
Wow! This is interesting. After reading other comments, I see that I was not just imagining this at all. My experience as of July 2, 2007 about 2 or 4 am I was on a bus that was traveling from New York enroute to Georgia. We stopped at a TA station between Nashville and Chattanooga near 72 southbound. I came out of the store after a purchase. My husband sat on the 4inch brick wall on the side of the store. I stood there facing him and the wooded slope behind us. The sighting was about 30 to 50 feet away from us. Without my glasses I noticed two redish lights in the woods. Then I noticed that all the other lights around had a yellow hue mixture. But these were redish and then I had a feeling that I should put my glasses on and get a better look. I asked my husband for a pepperment and he stood up and blocked my view of the redish lights. I was despertly trying to get my glasses on. As I did the lights dissapeared.
I could see nothing but the woods. I told my husband that I think we should get back on the bus.
I looked back again and noticed something higher in the woods seemed like the eyes had changed to a lighter, reflected color not at all like I had seen earlier. I thought it seemed like “it” read my mind.
I talked to another lady as she sat there and she just ignored me. I think neither one of us wanted to scare any one else. The bus left shortly afterwards.
But I just pondered this in my mind. Was that Bigfoot looking at us? He never blinked or moved at all. Not until I put my glasses on.
I was really shocked when I did a search on the internet and saw the pictures of big foot’s eyes. It brought chills to my spine because that was exactly what I had seen. And some people wrote that Bigfoot is also Psychic. And that is what I had suspected from my short encounter.