The idea that we’ve been lied to about the origin of the “Patty” film seems far-fetched. None of us are willing to believe that our “heroes” of Bigfootery could have been involved in a huge cover-up story for some nefarious deeds in the forest.
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Bigfoot Research With Love
What would it look like if we approached our work as Bigfoot researchers with an attitude of love?
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Could Bigfoot be the Next Newly Discovered Race of Human Beings?
There’s been a recent discovery of a hitherto unknown race of humans in ancient China. This is a reminder that the next big news story could be that Bigfoot is real and they are our cousins!
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What is the Plural of “Bigfoot”?
Would you say the plural of “Bigfoot” is “Bigfeet”? Or “Bigfoots”?
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David Paulides Responds to the Bigfoot Massacre Issue
While checking out David Paulides’ North America Bigfoot Search website yesterday to verify a statement in my first posting about Tribal Bigfoot, I noticed that Paulides has added an undated “blog post” that seems to be a response to the Bigfoot Massacre hooplah/outcry that started on Cryptomundo with Loren Coleman’s postings of MK Davis pictures and videos compared to responses by John Green. Coleman’s posts included a couple derisive mentions of Paulides’ name which set me off, and I responded with a few blog posts of my own, shocked that Paulides would be associated with such an outrageous theory. Perhaps I should have kept it to myself, but I was very upset by the issue, especially after seeing David Paulides’ name mentioned! Plus I thought the photoshopping on the videos Coleman linked to was outrageous!
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