I love Bigfoot and Bigfoot researchers. I’ve met some outstanding people in the Bigfoot research field, and there are many more who I haven’t been blessed by meeting. I don’t attend the conventions (or, at least, I haven’t yet…) but of the people I’ve met — many who touched bases on their trips through the Klamath River Valley — I’ve been very favorably impressed by most.
Well, today I was alerted through a Facebook link of a posting on another Bigfoot blog that will be unnamed. It was an exposé on another researcher!
I’m asking: Since when does Bigfoot research entail digging up dirt on fellow researchers? Do we really need to question the credibility of anyone who wants to join us in the Bigfoot research field? Is it important to expose all past sins, errors, mistakes? …even those unrelated to the Bigfoot research field?
I myself am a relatively minor character in Bigfoot research. I’m mainly doing it because of a lifelong curiosity and because fate settled me into a community famous for Bigfoot sightings. Still, I’ve got qualms about things people have said either as witnesses or as researchers. But I’m recommitting myself to not participating in a free-for-all bashing of other researchers.
Each of us has both good and bad qualities. If you don’t have some moment of time in the past that you are ashamed of, then you’re probably not human, or are in denial.
Please, people, get past the anger, get past the desire to tear into other Bigfoot research people. Remember your own errors, your own frailties and mistakes.
Be kind, be loving, be open-hearted and compassionate.
That’s about all I’m going to say about this today.
What Linda says is very true! As a Bigfoot Researcher, i come across these attacks all the time. Greed and the desire for fame and recognition drive these people to this type of behavior. It has evolved to the point where we can’t share much info with other researchers because you never know who is out for the glory and not the knowledge and they’ll do anything to get it! There is also the sad fact that some out there want a body and are relying on other researchers to get location info to further their goal. We don’t know who to trust! Being a Bigfoot Researcher is a lonely job!
The world could use more good souls like yours. I agree
with your feelings completely.
iv’e loved looking in to things like bigfoot, ufo’s and loch ness monster amazing
Read more. Look around on:
from Bigfoot Books, willow Creek, CA
Since he makes extraordinary claims about his investigative background, and does so to put himself above other BF researchers or groups, it’s only natural that some would want to check his credentials. It’s just like you would want your contractor to have references and a license before building your house. Personally, I heard about this but chose not to blog about it. The newspaper articles are in the public record and archives, however, so where’s the crime in talking about them?
Steven, I guess I’d feel more comfortable about the exposé if it centered on his Bigfoot research career and philosophies rather than on his former career which put him in the public eye and apparently wasn’t totally smooth sailing. It seems to me that at some point people should be able to walk away from past follies and not have them follow into another life they’ve worked hard to make for themselves.
It is apparent that whatever he did wasn’t bad enough to result in prolonged jail time, though perhaps he lost the job. But here he is, running around free and looking for Bigfoot. Who am I to say that he’s such a bad person that we should all shun him and discount his work? At the same time I do understand Sharon’s feelings about arrogance and non-PC slights to other researchers. The arrogance we can attribute to the mindset of the former career. The blunders we can attribute to ignorance or immaturity. But do we have to keep harping on them?
You know I too have felt slighted and marginalized, but it is in my heart to give people second chances, and to turn a blind eye to misdeeds of the past. In this case we’re not even talking about something related to Bigfoot research. We’re talking about something that happened fifteen years ago in the middle of a confrontation, and so far as I know there was no TRIAL so who knows what the real facts were, and whether he’s been found GUILTY of anything? We’re talking about accusations and insinuations and suspicions that were bandied about in front of the press.
In my other online persona I’m a family rights activist/advocate/paralegal teaching parents who believe they’ve been falsely accused of child abuse how to get their children back from child protective services (CPS). They are accused of all kinds of ridiculous things and, having read quite a few social worker court reports I can verify that lies were told, facts twisted and blown out of proportion, misunderstandings and suspicions stated as if they were facts. I look closely at the questions of real evidence, and real guilt. And I know how easy it is to misrepresent the truth when federal funding is available for putting children in foster care, and not for giving kids back to their parents.
So let’s just say, I’ve developed a different mindset. I’m not into accusations or jumping to conclusions, smearing reputations, or pointing fingers. Yes, I was shocked by the Bigfoot massacre issue especially when I thought John Green (someone I respect and care about) was being accused of something.
By the way, I’m reading what you wrote on your blog and as it centers on his interactions with Bigfoot researchers and with you in particular, I don’t have the same kind of attitude toward it. You’re not digging up dirt from the distant past so much as you’re responding to what you experienced. I find that much more acceptable. What goes around comes around. People need to learn that when they don’t treat others with appropriate respect, they’ll get treated with no respect in return.
Perhaps someone needed to learn he’s not really the biggest or the best. He’s just another human being, after all.
I have met some charlatans in my 50 years of big foot research. Their motives are soon seen as exploitation for personal gain and not research.
The real research is not in the mainstream. There is more happening than many bigfoot researchers can bring themselves to believe. The mainstream is poision, in my opinion.
No one knows what Bigfoot is, but eveyone has
a right to have their say,that’s what makes the world go round .I wrote a song that say’s Bigfoot’s part of everyone, dont you know, each person see’s him from a different angle..
I’ll name the site: cryptomundo.com
If this stuff is true then it reflects upon the credibility of his research and public claims of background and ability–that is why it matters.
Everyone’s got difficulties/mistakes/errors in their past. Would we want all our old errors floating around on the internet for everyone to see? Somehow, I have a hard time believing that you would want someone to gloat over your worst moments. I am grateful for those who can see the worst in others without broadcasting it.