A few weeks ago I had an inspiration to buy this URL, “bigfootsightings.org” and two other Bigfoot URL’s including bigfootjamboree.com. I never expected things to develop so quickly.
My vision for this site was to start studying Bigfoot, record sightings (especially local ones), and collect books and videos to share with others. I thought down the line somewhere I’d get some equipment to share with others wanting to explore the mountains where we live.
Well, let me tell you, we are surrounded by mountains and many miles of deeply forested land. This is the center of the Klamath National Forest. We’re in between the Marble Mountain Wilderness and the Siskiyou Wilderness. Very remote!
When I emailed Tom Biscardi of the Great American Bigfoot Research Organization a few weeks ago I never expected him to follow up, at least not so quickly, knowing he’d get lots of email after having a sighting and being on Coast to Coast AM. But what a great surprise it was when I got another email from him night before last saying he was driving up our way and would stop by and talk to us before driving on to Washington.
Thanks to my friends Bob and Vickie Schmalzbach, owners of Javabobs Bigfoot Deli in Happy Camp, we’re having a great visit now with a dedicated team of Bigfoot researchers from the Great American Bigfoot Research Organization. They rolled into town this morning after spending the night in Burney.
Tom Biscardi, team leader, arrived with Joan Brandt, Peggy Marx and Lee Hickman of Burney, as well as Rob Shorey and Tim McMillen. The meeting is being hosted at JavaBobs Bigfoot Deli. People are coming in to talk about their sightings or other sightings they’ve heard of. We’ve spent the day trying to track down information on recent sightings – one which has taken place in a nearby county within the last few days, and one by a man who lives here in Happy Camp which was supposedly less than a week ago.
Lee Hickman is an expert tracker and can follow a Bigfoot into the wild if he can get news of a sighting within two weeks. He was trained by his grandfather, Ivan Marx, pre-eminent Bigfoot researcher of the 50’s through the 90’s. We’re hoping to track down the leads we’re getting and have a hot spot to investigate within the next 24 hours.
Instrumental in helping make this happen is a local resident, C., who stopped by to tell us about a house she used to live in. She said there were caves and tunnels in the area and one bedroom of her house regularly shook because of something going on in the earth beneath the house.
She said one night there was a terrible smell outside and she and her son could hear something going around their house, then they saw a Bigfoot face at the window looking in at them. She told us some startling information about the tunnels that she’d heard from a Karuk tribal elder who has since passed away.
The house where this took place has been destroyed since then – it was on U.S. Forest Service land and she was forced to move out.
After C. was done talking to Tom Biscardi about her sighting she went home and the strangest thing happened. She rushed back to Javabobs to tell Tom that out of the blue the ex-husband of the Karuk tribal elder she’d mentioned earlier phoned her home. She said he’d never phoned there before and I took this as evidence of synchronicity as if a divine presence were leading this investigation to a deeper level. C. got his number and brought it down for Tom to follow up on as the Karuks, in whose ancestral territory we live, probably know more about the Bigfoot and their habitat than we do.
While she was there the second time C. said she thought Tom was there to investigate a very recent sighting by E., who was driving through the woods near here. We didn’t even know about it! I am amazed that when the door opens (meaning now that experienced researchers are in town) all kinds of exciting information is coming to the surface. It could only be the hand of God or what I like to call the Beneficent Forces of the Cosmos – that brings this information together so quickly by means of divine intervention and synchronicity.
Tonight we’re having another meeting. Tom will be showing us a few DVD’s at Javabobs. I cannot tell you how excited we are about having Tom and the rest of the research team in our town.
More photos:
Tom Biscardi, Joan Brandt, and Peggy Marx of the Great American Bigfoot Research Organization. Tom is interviewing Maria McCracken, owner of the New 49’ers Gold Prospecting Club about a sighting that a local prospector had on one of her mining claims several years back.
This Humvee, retired from Operation Desert Storm, got a lot of attention. There were people stopping by just to look at it.
More pictures to be posted later.
I am leaving in July for the Shasta Lakes area. I am half Am Indian from the Kumeyaay/ Cocopah clans and half Scott. I have relatives by marraige in the area, near the headwaters of the Sacremento River.
I was raised in Mojave area of California and Arizona. I was taught to hunt and track by my (N>A>I) Uncle a U.S. Marine Scout Sniper. By which is the derivation of my relations there in Shasta Lakes area.
I spend approx. 1 broken month time span in the forests of N California Oregon a year. On occassions skip out on my own w/ little or no support (i.e. tents tools etc.).
I am travelling to the area w/ my family to meet family there for vacation. I plan to spend a day or two alone in the woods there.
I am a fairly skilled tracker, and was wondering if you had any suggestions should I be so moved toward the tracking of the “Wildman”?
P.S. I will bring a camera and a sound device just in case.
I have traveled the woods before and I have heard some of the noises I heard on a webcasts. Though I was never really intrigued by it. Partly because I felt it was better to leave it or them alone, secondly it reminded me of some of the N>A>I sounds in songs I have heard growing up. Thereby not really alarming me. I just assumed they were interpretations of animals which is sometimes the case in N>A>I music. I.E the sound of a Loon, which quite frankly to me sounds similar to what I heard on the webcast.
As a tracker and a Scout. I find that the search would be much more productive alone. If there are any of these creatures in the area. Two or more people together only serve to make more noise (i.e. talking).
Thus giving away any approach of any animal, much less one that is so wary and keenly obscure as this one seems to be.
If I find anything you can be assured you will hear from me.