I agree with Myron Getman. He recently wrote an article for the Bent Spoon online paranormal skepticism magazine about his experience as a Boy Scout camp’s Nature Area Director.
His story, Wakpominee Bigfoot, took place near Adirondack Park in Upstate New York.
The article is well-written and I suggest that if you have time you might want to go to the above link and read it. You can find more of Myron Getman’s writing at his blog: The Mad Skeptic.
Though I write a blog about Bigfoot I too am somewhat skeptical. You might call me a skeptical believer, because so many things I’ve been told have turned out to be very hard to believe. On the other hand, I tend to be a believer until a story goes beyond the point of believability. That’s happened to me often enough that I’m developing a collection of reasons to be skeptical.
Myron’s story did not include an actual sighting of a Bigfoot. It started when some fellow camp employees heard splashing on the opposite side of a lake, and thought some of the children might be out playing in the lake at dusk. Apparently it was fairly dark because when they went to investigate it was dark enough that they couldn’t see who might be there. When they heard what sounded like large rocks being thrown into the water, they panicked and left, assuming that Bigfoot was out to get them.
Then next day Myron led a nature hike into the same area and found what could have been a Bigfoot footprint. Yet now, years later, he has other explanations for what might have happened there. I don’t want to post a spoiler here. Go read his article and you’ll hear what his alternative explanations are.
As Bigfoot researchers we always should be cautious before believing. The human mind tends to go haywire when strange things happen in the woods. If we’re not in our safe environments (homes) we’re always slightly on edge if something unexpected happens. I know there are some of you who will say that you’re totally at home in the woods. I admire you! I am not that comfortable there. I love the beauty of the wilderness but would feel exposed and vulnerable if I thought something unseen was tossing rocks toward me – especially large rocks!
Bigfoot researchers need to always look for the alternate explanation of any story we hear. Of course, if the story includes an account of actually seeing a Bigfoot clearly and in a way that it couldn’t be a Bigfoot-shaped bear, I hesitate to simply think the reporter is lying. I would opt instead to think that person is sane and certain that a Bigfoot is what he saw.
The standard of proof for a Bigfoot sighting report is a gray area, as there are no set standards for verification. As Myron suggests at the end of his article, “Look at the people claiming to have seen it.” Sometimes the best way to substantiate a Bigfoot sighting story is to get to know the person making the claim.
Thanks to Steven Streufert for posting the link to The Bent Spoon in his Facebook group: Coalition for Reason, Science, Sanity in Bigfoot Research.
Camp Wakpominee is at Sky Pond in New York:
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ALTENATE EXCLAMIONS YOU COULD TELL ME YOUR name,! COULD COME TO THE CONCLUSIONS THAT you have old timers(sorry I cant spell the word)or that you may have been hit on the head and have amnesia,altenaalt explanations smell worse than some big foots!
“Bigfoot Is Real”
fall or winter 72,a member of my family 12 years old,and another young friend were about to cross a railroad track on the edge of our small louisiana town when they looked to the right where the track came out of the woods (40 to 60 feet away) maybe closer stood a ten foot tall hairy thing,and it wasnt no bear! He said! I snapped a couple of shots at it with my 22 and we ran like hell ! when I told him that it was a big foot or sasquatch,He said whats that?! So his young friend was just as ignorant on the subject as he was ! I thought the ten feet tall maybe have been an agggeration until of one my buddies who was living with in twenty yards of the of the site, said that a big foot stooped down and looked at his brother through the back door, He heard his brother screaming from the front room! how tall does a creature have to be, to stoop down to look through a 7 ft door,( a local legend says that there was a wildman at the local dam in close proxity of the sightings) ! Is there such a thing as big foot ? There is no doubt !