This website is a new resource for the community of Bigfoot researchers. BigfootSightings.Org is based in Happy Camp, California where we’re getting recent reports of local sightings near our town just north of the Marble Mountains.
Our entire town is Bigfoot-obsessed. We want to know if it’s real. So this website will help us keep track of our sightings and will also be a source of information on Bigfoot research and organizations world wide.
Happy Camp will have it’s own Bigfoot Research Library and organized wilderness expeditions. We are working on setting things up now, buying equipment, and mapping out areas to explore.
Happy Camp is a perfect launching site for Bigfoot hunt expeditions in the Marble Mountains or the Siskiyou Wilderness. Anyone interested in participating please email us at info – at –
Hi Judy! I didn’t know you commented here until tonight! I was checking to see if this site was indexed by Google yet – and it is. Last time I looked for that man’s website it was missing – but I’ll track down some information (easier than tracking down an actual bigfoot).
I very much want information on the two recent sightings of the blond bigfoot near Happy Camp.
I have so much to learn! I’ll be doing a lot of research and will write about it in this weblog.
Hi Linda,
What a wonderful idea! The sighting by the Grants pass Dr. who was taking his family hiking by the Oregon Caves should be the beginning.
It would be great to talk to him about his experience!!
Were you going to put the two incidents of the blond bigfoot which Robert heard from two paries about on the listing?
Great idea. Can’t wait to see it develop!