In order to legally re-use anything found on this blog, you’ll need to request my formal consent. My email contact link is on the right side of the site between the search boxes. This covers all my writing, my photographs, and my graphics. All this content takes many hours for me to produce and it belongs to me whether there’s a copyright notice on it or not, according to United States Copyright Law.
1. If I feature your site as Bigfoot Site of the Day you may reprint the review on your site, and use the graphic with your site’s name on it. An active link back to would be appreciated.
2. If I feature your book you may reprint my reviews on your site if you are the author or publisher. An active link back to would be appreciated.
3. “Fair Use” as explained in the US Copyright Law:
§ 107 · Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—
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The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.
Permission to re-use my content by porting the RSS feed into another blog or website is expressly forbidden and always will be. What prompted me to add this is a copyright violation by a new site hijacking my content using RSS during August and September, 2009. My entire articles, photos and all, were reprinted without permission and without credit to me as author, or links back to my site, for several weeks before I noticed it. This is considered theft of intellectual property. It is a big issue for me because during those weeks I spent many hours doing research and writing articles for this site. To see my work reproduced in full by someone else without my permission was a very hurtful low blow. Here I was working and putting in a lot of time, when someone else decided to save time on blog development by using my words and images without asking, without even giving me credit for them or linking to my site, the source of the articles. This issue has now been resolved as the articles have been removed from that site.
Hi there
I wanted to make you aware of a new book I’ve just managed to get published on my investigation into the British Bigfoot. There are some interesting photographs in the book of footprints and other evidence, and there are lots of really weird sighting reports.
Here’s the link:
I hope you enjoy the book. If you have any questions, you know where to get hold of me!
Kind regards
Greetings & Felicitations: As a long-time researcher, I am stumped by only one question: with 14 million hunters in the U. S. and maybe 1.5-2 million up in Canada, where are the carcasses? There are lots of stories, good for smores around the campfire. There’s the one where a posse puts 30 rounds into one at close range; not much reaction from the creature. Sanderson told of the “iceman” in Minnesota; it vanished in to the ether. And, of course, dozens of other tales from slob hunters who shoot, only to “must have missed.” Even at a range of few yards. So, you’ve written the book: where are the Bigfoot heads on walls? I just know you must have the answer to this riddle.
Well, first of all, I didn’t write a book about Bigfoot… I just have this blog. True, Bigfoot bodies are not being produced… no evidence of remains. There is some conjecture that Bigfoot may be burying their dead, or taking them into caves. This is part of the mystery. I have never seen a Bigfoot… but I’ve talked to many who insist they’ve seen one clearly and some of these people seem credible. That’s all I have to go on.
Hello Folks,
I have a new book published on Amazon that has already received excellent feedback. It relates early experiences with this highly elusive subject which took me from skeptic to believer. Seeing is believing.
MY book contains video picture clips and photos from several of my close encounters. I have attached a link to it for you review.
Thank you and have a great day.
Richard Taylor