I got Bobbie’s message today.
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Bigfoot Research With Love
What would it look like if we approached our work as Bigfoot researchers with an attitude of love?
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Myron Getman’s Wakpominee Bigfoot Story
I agree with Myron Getman. He recently wrote an article for the Bent Spoon online paranormal skepticism magazine about his experience as a Boy Scout camp’s Nature Area Director.
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Bigfoot Enhanced Sense Perception – It’s In Their Hair!
How does Bigfoot avoid us so well? Possibly they’re blessed with extra perceptive powers through their hair!
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Alberta: Bigfoot Walking on Water
I just had to use that title! …But the water was frozen, so it was actually walking on ice. I recently received this Bigfoot sighting report from Alberta, Canada. The sighting was in 1991 – about twenty years ago.
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