I know many of us aren’t lucky enough to live close to the Willow Creek or Felton Bigfoot Museums, but there’s a wonderful Bigfoot Museum online. This is a virtual Bigfoot information project created by Michael Esordi of Connecticut. I noticed he didn’t list himself along with a group of well-known Bigfoot researchers on the museum site, but you can see his bio on the Believe It Tour site.
On Bigfoot Museum, you’ll find all things Bigfoot – with a few articles, a list of names Bigfoot has been called, and current Bigfoot event information. Right now the site lists the Believe It Tour and the Texas Bigfoot Conservancy’s upcoming conference which will feature Brian Brown, Daryl Colyer, Jerry Hestand, Alton Higgins, Peter Matthiessen, Robert Swain, John Bindernagel, Chris Bader, Carson Mencken, John Mioncynzski, Keith Foster, Bill Dranginis, and Peter Matthiessen. I’ve also heard Loren Coleman may be speaking there.
Where did I hear that? Well… I had the extreme good fortune of spending time in Willow Creek, California two days ago with the Bigfoot Museum’s founder, Michael Esordi, and the rest of the Believe It Tour team: Brad Pennock and Diana Smith. We had dinner with Craig Woolheater of the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy, and he mentioned that Loren Coleman is expected to speak at the conference. I have to admire people with the verve and energy to put on conferences! …or speak at them!
About meeting the Bigfoot research team in Willow Creek – I’ll write about that soon. I took lots of photos. I’ve been waiting for the team to show up in Happy Camp today and will write about the entire Believe It Tour adventure as soon as my participation in the event concludes.
The Bigfoot Museum site has only two articles, and Michael might appreciate having more. I love the article by Ray Crowe on Baiting. Very helpful! One always wonders what Bigfoot might like to eat, but Crowe’s article goes beyond that with suggestions on how often to bait, and what courtesy Bigfoot would appreciate while you’re there trying to make new friends.
There’s Bigfoot TV at the Bigfoot Museum website (YouTube videos) and a selection of photographs, some from exhibits, and some from a conference. You’ll also find links to organizations, groups, and friends. You can get a link to your Bigfoot site or blog there – Bigfoot Believers and Friends.
The last part of the site is the Bigfoot Museum store – where you can buy a replica of a 1967 Bigfoot footprint from the Patterson-Gimlin film site, or your very own Bigfoot action figure, or a variety of t-shirts and other gear. Site owner Michael Esordi is a talented graphic artist and has devoted time to developing a collection of Bigfoot themed designs. Must see! He also owns the domain, Bigfoot Surplus.