>A man in Hudson’s Hope, British Columbia, thinks he may have found a Bigfoot print embedded in a rock found in his yard while mowing the lawn. Hudson’s Hope is a small community in the Rocky Mountain foothills close to the Alberta border, dubbed “The Land of Dinosaurs and Dams”.
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The Bigfoot Reading Group – “Tribal Bigfoot”
I’m starting something new here… which will be called the Bigfoot Reading Group. I’m planning to read David Paulides’ new book, Tribal Bigfoot, and am inviting all of you to read it along with me during the month of September 2009.
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David Paulides interviewed for the Eureka Times-Standard
The Eureka Times-Standard is the closest major newspaper to the site of Patterson’s 1967 Bigfoot filming. Bluff Creek is north-east of Eureka; both places are in Humboldt County, California which is just east of Siskiyou County, where I live.
Author and Bigfoot researcher David Paulides was interviewed for a May 30, 2009 article about his investigation and book on Hoopa Bigfoot sightings.
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The Hoopa Bigfoot Project
Last summer I was working in a local restaurant in Happy Camp when a man I didn’t know came in for lunch. After he finished eating he brought his business card to the counter and introduced himself as David Paulides of North America Bigfoot Search. He told me a bit about his Bigfoot research project in Hoopa. Since I live in Happy Camp I’m used to accidentally meeting up with Bigfoot researchers who are passing through town, so I told him who I was. I figure out-of-town Bigfoot researchers might know me by my website rather than by my name or face. He said he was in town to interview one of my acquaintances.
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