The True Believer is finally in production after filmmaker/script writer Nathaniel Bennett and his wife saved for a year to be able to fund the project.
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Squatchers: Be Careful in the Forest During Hunting Season!
A few notes for those planning to do any squatching in the Klamath National Forest any time soon.
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Where Did Cliff Barackman’s Votes Go?
Here’s something strange.
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North American Bigfoot – Cliff Barackman’s Site
Cliff Barackman’s website is fairly new, but packed with fascinating information. For example, he’s installed a unique index of Bigfoot footprint casts giving the specs on each including the place it was found, the size, the date, and the name of the person who discovered it. There’s so much to see on this site I wasn’t able to read it all in one day… but I’ll be back. There’s an ongoing Bigfoot research blog associated with this site that I’ve only read a few entries of. I may feature that separately in the future, because I really want to read it all.
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Marijuana – Danger in the Forest!
It is nearly marijuana harvest season and anyone entering the backwoods here in Northern California should be aware of the dangers from farmers of illegal marijuana. The Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Department found that marijuana farms in the forest have similar characteristics. If you’re planning to do any squatching in our forest, know what to look for.
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