The evidence for the existence of Bigfoot in Northern California, in the forests surrounding Willow Creek and Happy Camp, mounts with each passing year, yet critics and skeptics still devise ways to discredit eyewitness testimony, footprint casts, and DNA evidence.
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Bigfoot Fiction: “North American Primates” by Shane Durgee
Shane Durgee’s first book is a work of fiction called North American Primates — a fantastical, frenetic fantasy about Clay Sturgeon, a man whose tent was attacked by a Bigfoot while he was hiking with a friend. Clay becomes obsessed and must return to the site of his encounter in New York’s Adirondack Mountains many times in his search for communion with “The Man.”
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Tribal Bigfoot – Comments on Chapter Four: “Extreme Sighting Locations”
Chapter four of Tribal Bigfoot is about Bigfoot living in extreme weather conditions – either extreme hot or extreme cold. The chapter starts with sighting reports from the Yukon Territory, Alaska, and Wyoming. Many Bigfoot families have adapted to living in freezing places and walking barefoot in snow.
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Tribal Bigfoot – Comments on Chapter Three: “Associations”
In chapter three of Tribal Bigfoot David Paulides shares the associations he’s made from his years of studying Bigfoot sighting reports. These associations are things that are common in Bigfoot sighting reports.
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Tribal Bigfoot – Comments on Chapter Two: “The Bigfoot Map Project”
David Paulides spent all of chapter two writing about the statistics behind his Bigfoot sightings map of four Northern California counties. It is a short chapter – only eight pages, which includes charts. He compiled a list of over 350 sightings (from the 1800’s to 2008) that took place in those four counties and arranged with the California State Automobile Association to use their map for the project. The map features sightings in Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity, and Siskiyou Counties.
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