West Coast Sasquatch is a Canadian site, focusing on Bigfoot activity and sightings in British Columbia. There are some fascinating interviews: John Green, Christopher Murphy, and Thomas Steenburg, all well-known Bigfoot researchers and writers in the Pacific Northwest.
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North America’s Great Ape: The Sasquatch – Dr. John Bindernagel’s Bigfoot Biology Site
Dr. John Bindernagel, B.S.A., MS, Ph.D., is a professional wildlife biologist based in British Columbia, Canada. He has studied Bigfoot evidence since 1975. In 1988 he found and cast a set of Bigfoot footprints near his home. In the mid-1990s he wrote a book, North America’s Great Ape: The Sasquatch Since that time he’s written some well-received scientific research papers about Bigfoot and some magazine articles as well.
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Possible Stoneage Bigfoot Footprint, Revisited
On August 9 I reported that a Canadian news service ran a story titled, Is Bigfoot’s footprint preserved in stone?.
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A stone aged Bigfoot footprint?
>A man in Hudson’s Hope, British Columbia, thinks he may have found a Bigfoot print embedded in a rock found in his yard while mowing the lawn. Hudson’s Hope is a small community in the Rocky Mountain foothills close to the Alberta border, dubbed “The Land of Dinosaurs and Dams”.
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