West Coast Sasquatch is a Canadian site, focusing on Bigfoot activity and sightings in British Columbia. There are some fascinating interviews: John Green, Christopher Murphy, and Thomas Steenburg, all well-known Bigfoot researchers and writers in the Pacific Northwest.
This site has been online since 2004 and has accumulated a lot of text in the last five years. I clicked on Reports and found a page called Hoss’s Notebook. Great stories! Hoss managed to come across more than one Sasquatch, plus he picked up a collection of Bigfoot sighting reports from others living in the remote Canadian mountains around beautiful Pitt Lake in British Columbia.
The energy behind the website comes from G.C. (Grand Cherokee, Gerry) and Thomas Steenburg. You can meet them on the profiles page. There’s a forum on the site and a photo gallery.
Every Bigfoot researcher needs to be familiar with the great classics of Bigfoot research. The site points out that three of the four great classics happened in Canada! The are the Albert Ostman story of 1924, the Ruby Creek sighting of 1941, and William Roe’s experience in 1955. With so many amazing Bigfoot encounters in Western Canada, you can understand why Dr. John Bindernagle moved there to study Sasquatch.
Speaking of Sasquatch, where do you think that name came from? The answer is right here on the West Coast Sasquatch site: “The name Sasquatch was coined in the 1920’s by J. W. Burns, through ..what is believed to be.. a mis-pronunciation of an indian word, and for the most part is used primarily to describe our Canadian cryptid.” You can find that information on the page about J.W. Burns.
God Bless you! We are still here!
Now doing podcasts as well!
West Coast Sasquatch Research