Amador County is one of my favorite counties in California, and if I was to relocate from Happy Camp that is one county I’d be interested in moving to, so I was surprised to read in Tribal Bigfoot that this county has no Bigfoot sightings recorded in online databases. There certainly is enough forest. If you travel through the mountains there, you might get that spooky feeling that Bigfoot could very well be around. I’ve been there and remember that feeling well!
After David Paulides created the North American Bigfoot Search website, 24-year-old Daniel Walker emailed him about his Bigfoot sighting in Amador County. Daniel got a good look at a Bigfoot at the intersection of Hale Road and Fiddletown Road in August 2007. Perhaps now Amador County can invest in one of those yellow “Bigfoot Crossing” signs for the first time. County residents need to keep their eyes open. Something might be lurking behind the trees!
From this map we can see there’s plenty of forested area in Amador County:
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I love the gold rush town of Jackson there in the Sierra Nevada foothills… but further uphill there’s forest, a small but gorgeous town called Volcano, and Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park — one of my favorite of the California State Historic Parks, and I’ve been to quite a few. There’s no doubt that there are LOTS of Bigfooted Ones living in the forest in that region, and either the 38,471 residents of this 593 square mile county haven’t seen one, or they have kept their sightings hush-hush.
In 1996 I toured the Mother Lode with my children, then ages 6 and 7. We drove on scenic Highway 49 from Tuolumne City to Downieville. Jackson in Amador County was on our route. It is a slightly modernized gold rush town, and a great place to spend time. A few years later we went back to Jackson, this time to visit Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park where we took a hike on a trail nearby that taught us a lot about the local herbs and wild natural foods. There’s more there than an untrained eye would imagine! The park includes an impressive ceremonial roundhouse and museum, and Mi’wuk Indian village.
This is a great place for a vacation – and with a few walks in the woods you might be first to put your Amador Bigfoot sighting into one of the online sighting databases. While you’re there, you could check out one of the outdoor amphitheater performances of the Volcano Theater Company.
Tribal Bigfoot – Comments on Chapter One: “Historical Bigfoot”
Tribal Bigfoot – Comments on Chapter Two: “The Bigfoot Map Project”
Tribal Bigfoot – Comments on Chapter Three: “Associations”
Tribal Bigfoot – Comments on Chapter Four: “Extreme Sighting Locations”
Tribal Bigfoot – Comments on Chapter Five: “Santa Cruz County”
Tribal Bigfoot – Comments on Chapter Six: “Amador County”
Tribal Bigfoot – Comments on Chapter Seven: “Trinity County”
Tribal Bigfoot – Comments on Chapter Eight: “Siskiyou County”
Tribal Bigfoot – Comments on Chapter Nine: “Del Norte County”
My cousin and I had a big foot experience this November between tiger creek and salt springs while road hunting for quail. We made a video and I’ll share it with you if your interested
We have them here, I live on the ridge upper pine Grove above the mokulmne River. I have seen one once between two trees in the fog, a black mass that stood observing me, then darted to the left out of sight, it was huge! . I sat watching, then heard what sounded like a poor attempt at a n imitation of a puppy crying..! I went inside and locked up. The sound came from the direction of where the thing moved to, and it sounded like it was someone initiating a puppy crying.
Topic; Bigfoot real or fake?
First off i just want to say good story. Second I need to say! Just leave Bigfoot alone!! Why in the world would all the science people be tracking him? He hasn’t done anything to us people so why track him down and try to find him? Do you want him to end you like a trapped monkey, bear, or tiger, in the zoo or circus??? Then why try to even hurt him at all? I say just leave him alone and get a better hobby… So what if Bigfoot is different!!! We people and nature are different too!! So leave him alone he might be happy where ever he is at!
Glad to see someone else saw one in the same area. Daniel Walker is my nephew and he was on his way to my house a mile further down the road when he came around the corner and saw this thing crossing the road. He’s a city kid and it really freaked him out. He wouldn’t house sit overnight for us after that. The next morning he and I went to that spot and looked around, nothing notable really. One interesting thing though, as it started across the road from south to north, it walked in front of a road sign and the top of it’s head was as tall as the middle of the sign, so I had a referance to how tall it was. It measured 7-1/2 feet! Not a bear, or a man in a fur coat as Animal Control suggested.
Well, I thought I posted a comment. But here goes for a second try. I did see a Bigfoot in 1972 and there was no mistake about what it was. Too clear a view. The one I saw was over nine feet tall, and a large male. He was a magnificient specimen. Salt and pepper fur or hair. Massive stature. Hands reaching almost to his knees. Lower jaw noticeably larger than humans. Head sloping up to a peak at the back. Skin a pale yellow-green, almost white. Skin showing only on face, palms and soles of feet. I had a clear view of him in the open at 5:35am in flat, early morning lighting for about two and a half minutes by my watch. I don’t believe he was aware of my presence. I was looking out the front door of a house, and he seemed to know people were not up at that hour. I would not have been except I had work to do at that hour.
He was looking for an apple in a small orchard. I had the impression he had been there before and knew where to look. He gave me the impression that he was intelligent, and probably planned his moves. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing.
His head was less than a foot below a tree branch that was exactly ten feet from the ground. That made him a little over nine feet tall. I would guess he could have been as much as between seven and eight hundred pounds. His build was massive without being fat or ape-like. He had a build more identifiable with men who are body-builders.
He displayed a confidence with himself and what he was going about. He stood there, perfectly still observing the orchard until he was satisfied there were no apples left on the trees. This was in late September or early October of 1972. All the apples had been picked about 5 days before.
He calmly turned and walked along the edge of the orchard about a hundred feet to a clearing in the underbrush, turned and walked through an opening and disappeared. Just before he went through the opening in the underbrush he turned his head toward me and looked me straight in the eye. As he did that he seemed to have an almost angry look on his face.
I must say though, that at no time during the over two and a half minutes I observed him, did I feel any sense of threat. He was very calm and self-assured in his appearance during the entire time. The location was a place called Philo, a few miles from the town of Booneville, CA on Hwy 128.
There was no mistake about what I saw. He was out in the clear where he could be well seen. He was too far away to detect an odor, and he made no sound. I just turned 76 a few days ago and this sighting should be recorded somewhere for posterity. Thank you for the opportunity.
the week before memorial weekend 2008,my family and i went to cat creek area in Amador county . off of hwy. 88 just past Hams station.We crossed Stanilaus river on cat creek rd. About two miles in we turned onto a logging rd. We stopped and went walking around. We smelled a bad odor where some standing water was . We also noticed a twisted branch nothing a bear could do.Then i heard some noises up the cliff area , so i got my binoculars out to look ,not 25 ft. away from me between two huge pine trees i saw a massive copper colored standing bi-pedal being in front of me. I know it wasn’t a bear. I grabbed my then seven year old and ran to the car .I told my husband and two other kids to hurry and get in the car and go. We were all scared and caught off guard.
My wife (co-witness) corrected me on the distance. It was maybe 10 FT in distance. We really got a GOOD look at this thing closely and clearly so when the Hwy Patrol suggested we perhaps saw a BEAR I almost laughed. BTW, the date we saw it was on Dec 4th 2009, 10pm approx. just a day before a big change in weather for the worse with freezing conditions. That is perhaps IMHO why the creature was willing to risk being seen in order to get to some safe haven it knows in the area. And also it looks amazingly like many of the videos I’ve seen (ie. height, black in color. It had long fur almost as long as an orangutan, and it was almost shiney black in our high beams). I am a skeptical person and never really had a strong opinion one way or another to the bigfoot legend. BTW, the way this creature looked and moved I just don’t think a man in a suit would be able to pull it off. And now that I know another person has seen one in the same area within recent yrs, I must count myself among the believers. As a resident of Volcano, my eyes will always be peeled for glimpses of sasquatches as I drive down the road at night.
We saw it (or one) too in the same general area!
As we stopped and almost hit it with our SUV just below Hale on Shake Ridge. 3 of us saw it close no more than 25 ft or so in our headlights. It moved very quickly without running up an embankment covered with pine trees. Estimated height was 7 ft or so. Remarkable, looked like a large Chimp but more long proportioned, not barrel chested (maybe a female?).
My adult daughter and I saw a 7-8 foot hairy, dark colored (black or dark brown) “Ape” running across HWY 88 approximately 3/4 of a mile west of Pine Grove in Amador County. It had long arms and ran across the HWY in a couple of strides, it almost seemed like the thing floated across the road and up a very steep hill. No human could move that fast. It was surreal.