Bigfoot Research Hazards

I’ve given this Bigfoot research and tracking a lot of thought in the last few months. I’ve mentioned it before and I want to say it again, this could be a very dangerous occupation.

I got a call from a man today who wants to capture a Bigfoot using a tranquillizer gun. I think that’s what needs to be done but I want to point out that if someone shoots a Bigfoot to tranquillize him – who’s to say that there’s not another Bigfoot nearby watching that wouldn’t proceed to attack and destroy?

This definitely isn’t something for only one person to attempt. I don’t think there’s much harm in tracking one, but to take it down is to risk the wrath of others.

I worry about all you attempting such things.

Good luck out there in the field. Be safe, and if you get one please release it back into the wild so it can reunite with its loved ones who will no doubt be missing it greatly.

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Bigfoot Research Hazards

I’ve given this Bigfoot research and tracking a lot of thought in the last few months. I’ve mentioned it before and I want to say it again, this could be a very dangerous occupation. I got a call from a man today who wants to capture a Bigfoot using a tranquillizer gun. I think that’s what needs to be done but I want to point out that if someone shoots a Bigfoot to tranquillize him – who’s to say that there’s not another Bigfoot nearby watching that wouldn’t proceed to attack and destroy? This definitely isn’t something for only one person to attempt. I don’t think there’s much harm in tracking one, but to take it down is to risk the wrath of others. I worry about all you attempting such things. Good luck out there in the field. Be safe, and if you get one please release it back into the wild so it can reunite with its loved ones who will no doubt be missing it greatly.

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