Tom Yamarone’s blog, Bigfoot Songs, chronicles his many squatching expeditions, participation in conventions, fortuitous meetings with Bigfooting friends, . . . and music. Tom is Bigfoot’s bard so there’s music throughout this blog. We’re talking lyrics, photographs of his performances, music videos, and sound files. He even plugs other Sasquatch singers and songwriters.
After reading the entire blog this afternoon I’m left with the impression of a busy family man who likes to get away on back-country adventures with his Bigfooting buddies, and who stays busy in the Bigfoot community by helping to organize conferences, large and small.
Some of my favorite articles in his blog:
A Visit With John Green in 2005 – and a photo of a reverse copy of the Skookum cast.
A Virtual Tour of the Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton, CA – Tom has done a lot to promote this museum!
Operation Odyssey II July 20-22, 2007 – a weekend of practicing field techniques.
Jerry Crew Knew What To Do – in which Tom tells us how he got to talk to Jerry Crew’s son, and what he said.
One more cool link – Tom’s YouTube archive: Bigfoot Songs
Months ago I visited Bigfoot Songs, then saved my pennies and bought Tom’s CD, which is a trip into Bigfooting history. You can listen to a few clips at his site: Songs For A Bigfoot World – CD. Through the songs you’ll learn about Albert O., the Skookum Cast, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin, and Bigfoot himself!
In mid-June 2008 I got off work and went to Parry’s Market here in Happy Camp for something cool to snack on (Sweet Nothings – they’re organic and I’m addicted to them during the summers.) When I got to the checkout counter there was a young man in front of me – someone I didn’t know. Roberta, the cashier, said, “Linda, someone was just asking about you!” She started calling for this unknown person and he emerged from the produce aisle. It turned out to be Tom Yamarone, who I’d never met until that day. The man in front of me at the checkout counter was Bart Cutino.
Tom knew of me from this blog, and I am so happy that he thought to ask Roberta about me. Obviously there was some synchronicity going on or I wouldn’t have crossed paths with Tom and his friends, but fate directed me to go to the store at just the right time for this happy event to take place. The others who were in the store with Tom and Bart were Wally Hersom and Cliff Barackman. What a wonderful thing for me, to get to meet all these outstanding Bigfoot researchers all at one time. And it was totally unexpected!
We walked out in front of the store and asked Virginia, another of the Parry’s Market cashiers, to take the photograph (below) of the five of us using Tom’s camera. At the time I asked his permission to use it on my blog, and he assented, then sent me a copy in email. Then my computer crashed. I was thrilled to find it again in a slide show on his blog’s June 2008 page.