No More Complaints

I might as well write my book on the topic of the strange sociological phenomena of antagonism in the online community of people interested in Bigfoot. I can’t call them Bigfoot researchers because that’s not what they are. They seem to be a bunch of skeptics that delight in finding fault with others.

However since I refuse to subject myself to such tripe, I’m moving on now to do what I originally planned, which is to start a Bigfoot research organization for my town, Happy Camp. I’m starting with a collection of books and videos to be available for lending to members. My other plan is to collect equipment to be used for local Bigfoot research activities.

Posted by: Linda

Animal Sounds & Bigfoot Research

There’s a howling sound recording posted on the BFRO website. Back on May 17 Tom Biscardi went to Washington state with his expedition team including Peggy Marx, a wildlife photographer with many years experience in the woods, and Lee Hickman, her grandson, an expert tracker. They listened to that same recording and said it was coyotes howling to one another.

This is just one example of how Tom Biscardi doesn’t say something is Bigfoot evidence when it isn’t.

I liked how the BFRO posting had a soundclip of a mountain lion for comparison. I have a mountain lion visit my yard often, and it sounds very similar. This is not at all the same sound Rex (a GABRO volunteer) recorded in Tara Hauki’s yard a few nights ago. That sound is included in the videostream at FindingBigfoot.Com.

Posted by: Linda

“Finding Bigfoot” vs “Waiting for Bigfoot”

Last night on Coast to Coast AM, Loren Coleman accused Tom Biscardi of copying Jill Miller’s “Waiting For Bigfoot” site idea.

I’d already explained back on August 17, this is not at all true.

The truth is that Tom didn’t know Miller’s site existed until long after he’d planned FindingBigfoot.Com.

See my earlier posting for more details. I am surprised if Coleman didn’t see it because he was here reading (and commenting on) my blog before his appearance on Coast to Coast AM last night.

Posted by: Linda

No Bigfoot

I got the news a few minutes ago – Biscardi was scammed by a woman in Nevada. There was no Bigfoot after all. I hope they didn’t lose much money on this fiasco. He will issue a statement on this soon I’m sure. I’m so glad it is over.

Like I told Vickie when I left JavaBobs Bigfoot Deli this afternoon… this has been a GOOD day because now we know the truth. It is so much better than chasing around after somebody’s lie. And whatever doesn’t kill us will make us stronger. I learned this a few days ago when I nearly fell off a cliff. And this situation is the same.

Though it is a big disappointment and embarrassment to be scammed like this – going through this can make our team stronger in many ways. And we can get back to business – what this project was started for – to capture a Bigfoot and prove they exist.

Yay… I feel that we’re on the right path again.

I heard Tom filmed an apology from the woman’s husband, and I hope he adds it to the videostream! It’s all part of the story of this expedition. Very exciting stuff if you ask me.

Posted by: Linda

Bigfoot Footprints

This morning I filmed Rex and Tara looking at the footprint Rex found yesterday. They started looking all over the hillside for more prints and found some in a line from uphill, moving in the direction of her house. It was very exciting!

Tom, Bob, Rob, Tim, and Elbert are still out of town trying to secure possession of the Bigfoot that was injured and operated on in another state. They will add Bigfoot videos to the videostream as soon as they’re able to film it – and get the film back here to encode it.

Posted by: Linda