What I like about the United Bigfoot Research Group’s website is that it provides a way for researchers with a no-kill philosophy to band together for Bigfoot research opportunities and an exchange of information. While most of the sightings posted in their Bigfoot sighting database are from Tennessee, there’s plenty of room for expansion into other states; none are excluded.
The site has articles written by members, including topics like why Bigfoot has eluded us for so long, the question of telepathy, and what to take on a Bigfoot research outing into the woods. There’s a good selection of photographs of markers possibly created by Bigfoot and some cartoons and artwork too.
I liked the Bigfoot polls – they ask: What do you believe Bigfoot is? What do you think of our site? What abilities do you believe these creatures have? …And what about our sighting reports?
There’s a forum for Bigfoot research investigators to network on, and a list of officers that run the organization – this is not a one-person “organization”. I checked on that forum and found that there are multiple threads that have been updated recently by a variety of members – so this is an active organization that you can contact to volunteer to help. Investigators range from the USA East Coast as far west as Missouri, and from Florida in the south to Wisconsin up north. The organization would probably welcome affiliated investigators from other parts of the country.
Thank You Linda for your kind words. The people at UBRG are the best. They are the highest caliber of researchers & habituation specialists you’ll find.
We’ve added a new section to our website titled “Bigfoot & ETs.” You’ll find it listed on the lefthand side of the home page.
Independent researcher here in Middle TN (Rutherford Co) I’m looking for a good locations to pull over-nighters and document evidence. I am a professional videographer and just returned from investigating the area around Nathan Bedford Forest State Park and Montgomery Bell this week with my partner. Does anyone have an area in middle tn they can’t or wont stake out but believe should be examined?
Thank you Linda for the great words and recommending our site. Anyone wishing to learn more about Big Foot come on board, your welcome.
Thank you very much for your kind words concerning our group!
Thank you very much for the wonderful words. We strive to do the best we can and are fortunate to have very dedicated and caring people within the organization.
It’s always nice to be appreciated.
Thank you for the very nice comment !
Keep up the good work ……….. Carolann
Thank you for the kind words, I see this was posted in September, but better late then never lol.
Thanks again,
Nathan Davis
UBRG President
Linda thank you for your kind words complimenting our group…a breath of fresh air.
What a nice compliment you have paid our group here!
Thank you VERY much!!