I’ve been busy writing for Happy Camp News where there’s two more Bigfoot-related articles on the front page and a letter to the editor (soon to be one more) and my editorial about why Bigfoot research is happening in Happy Camp.
I love Sasquatch controversy – so I appreciate the two letters to the editor that have been sent to me so far this week.
Tom Biscardi and his team should be back soon – they’re busy with last-minute preparations for the video streaming and filming that will be done in our area, and they expect to be here some time next week.
On the 13th he was here checking out two Bigfoot sightings sites he’s chosen for the video-streaming. I got to see one of them. There’s a picture of what may be Bigfoot bedding materials on the front of Happy Camp News now.
On the 14th Tom was on the Coast to Coast AM talk radio show – where he told the world that they plan to capture Bigfoot soon.
I wrote my editorial yesterday. It’s about time I gave my opinion. I tried to take part in Loren Coleman’s mailing list but my last posting there was “not approved”. There’s a group of guys on that list grumping about and complaining about Tom Biscardi. They’ve never met Tom, as I have, but they’re quick to try to paint him as a scam artist.
Listen people – I’ll tell you the truth. I’ve been with Tom while he was investigating sightings around here and he doesn’t come off as anything but a very sincere truth-seeker who’s also interested in making a lot of money with his promotion skills. Yes, Tom is a music promoter, heavily into the entertainment industry. However he is very honest with his Bigfoot research. He will promote it and try to make money to pay all the people who have helped him, the investors, etc, but his main interest is in finding the evidence to prove to the world that Bigfoot exists.
So give him a break. I’ve asked for evidence that he’s pulling a hoax and nobody has it – but there’s still complainers even among the so-called intellectuals in Bigfoot research. It is just disrespectful, ungracious, and undignified.
So far the only “evidence” I’ve been given about a hoax is a few old newspaper articles saying someone Biscardi used to know was accused of something. Now that proves nothing. I’m in the news business and I know for fact that newspapers get the story wrong OFTEN – and I can see why because of limited research time and the fast turnaround time necessary to fill a newspaper day after day or week after week. So a news story is not convincing to me. I want real proof, or less grumbling.
I have a feeling that some long-time researchers are a tad bit jealous of Biscardi’s success – not only his success in finding sighting reports and tracking them – but also his success in promoting himself and the Great American Bigfoot Research Organization. I can understand that. But don’t lose your dignity over it!
In time I expect Tom Biscardi will bring in a Bigfoot. It might not be within two weeks as he claimed on Coast to Coast AM. That was a rough estimate on the spur of the moment. But this is what I really expect – that he will keep at it and keep ferreting the creatures out until he is able to capture one for science. Either that, or he could die trying and I surely hope that doesn’t happen!
P.S. Here’s the text of the email that Loren Coleman didn’t approve for his mailing list – obstensibly because I failed to put “Happy Camp, California” under my name at the end though I’d announced in an earlier posting that I am editor of Happy Camp News.
First, here’s the refusal notice from Yahoo:
Your message to the Bigfoot group was not approved. The owner of the group controls the content posted to it and has the right to approve or reject messages accordingly.
In this case, your message was automatically rejected because the moderator didn’t approve it within 14 days. We do this to provide a high quality of service for our users.
A complete copy of your message has been attached for your convenience.
Thank you for choosing Yahoo! Groups
Yahoo! Groups Customer Care
And now, my unapproved email:
There’s two sides to every story. The way I heard it from Tom was that their research was genuine but they (he and Ivan Marx) were taken advantage of and products of their research were stolen and used without their permission. In other words they felt they got burned and it caused some heartache and bad feelings.
So if you have proof that the films were a hoax, what is it? I saw the first film and it didn’t look at all faked. The three films are for sale on his website, http://www.greatamericanbigfoot.com .
I think if I put a lot of effort into researching Bigfoot in the field, put my life on the line, and devoted a lot of my time to it – if then the work I’d done was discounted in the way you describe, (see Loren Coleman’s post) … if all that happened to me, I’d be a bit put out and defensive too.
Tom Biscardi took a few years off after getting burned and called such things as “a well-known bluffer”. But now he’s back and ready to finish what he started, this time with better backup. He’s very serious about capturing Bigfoot just as are many others, but he’s set up with financial and organizational backing, and ready to do it now.
Now on a personal note, I’ve met him and he’s not a bad guy. He’s likable and he’s got ethics. He doesn’t say something is evidence of Bigfoot when it’s not, but at the same time he knows real Bigfoot evidence when he sees it.
I don’t mean this as any criticism of you, Mr. Coleman. I heard you on Coast to Coast AM too and the main reasons I emailed Tom Biscardi instead were that he specializes only in Bigfoot research (whereas you have wider interests) and because he had a sighting here in Northern California in April – and that was his fifth sighting. I wanted someone who could come in here and verify for the community that the Bigfoot sightings here are valid. He’s done that, and found other evidence of which I have no direct knowledge that interested him in coming back here to attempt a capture.
I’m posting this here so people will know that if it seems that they’re getting only one side of the story on the Bigfoot mailing list, the reason may be that there’s some censorship going on. Coleman has the right to do this because he is the group’s owner – but my feeling is that it interferes with a full investigation of the truth.
My earlier posting to that list stating clearly who I am and where I’m from:
From: Klamath Design
Date: Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:02 am
Subject: Happy Camp Sighting June 25
I’m new to Bigfoot research and to your mailing list, however have been intrigued by Bigfoot reports and information for many years. My current interest is due to being editor of a small town news site, Happy Camp News. Our town is in the center of the Klamath National Forest, surrounded by three large wilderness areas: the Marble Mountain Wilderness, the Siskiyou Wilderness, and the Klamath Wilderness. We have lots of sightings here.
I just wrote an article about a new sighting and it is at this time posted on the front page of my news website: http://www.happycampnews.com
Thought you might like to have a look in case you didn’t get the information yet.
Linda Martin
Editor, Happy Camp News
I have a few questions for you.
Have you ever seen a sasquatch? Have you ever heard one, or smelled one, or fallen down in a pile of its scat?
Have you ever heard its heavy foot fall coming down a steep hill or listened to its beautiful whistles and guttural clicks as it called from a Sequoia tree not 200 hundred yards from you?
Well sir I have and I am afraid that it is my fault partially that this man named Tom Biscardi came here to happy Camp. You see I live with a bigfoot in my yard. No, I am not crazy although the first time I actually saw it I thought I might at least be seeing things. It is real enough and thanks to these great Bigfoot experts I may get to know a lot more about it soon.
One other thing about these people that I won’t mind sharing is that in the short time I have known them they have all proven to me that they are good people. The only thing I know about you from your emails is that potentially you are questionable.
Why do you keep complaining and bitching about something you know absolutely nothing about (i.e. what”s going on in my yard)? It’s funny… I have seen a Bigfoot yet I have never seen you.
Why don’t you go and find your own Bigfoot? Then maybe we can all get together and share the good news with everyone. like we should, you know like how you learned in kindergarten? To share and not to fight and not to say mean and nasty things about people. It is really not so hard, surely not from such an educated man as you yourself claim to be.
I myself am just a simple country bumpkin, but my momma taught me a few things I have drawn on to get me through. Two being;
1. If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.
2. Me thinks thou dost protest too much.
write back anytime.
Tara Hauki- (eye witness)
P.S. Could you please get off the backs of my colleagues? From what I have gathered you are the last person who should be squabbling with people over qualifications. In the interest of Bigfoot, is’nt interest enough?
Are you really an editor of a newspaper?
Loren, why should you have a private forum to post multiple libelous comments about Tom behind his back? He has a right to know what’s going on – but lucky for you, he really doesn’t care because he’s too busy working. He doesn’t spend time on the internet complaining about other researchers… like you do.
You are making a policy that is applied to EVERYONE on the Yahoo Groups Bigfoot email list – that all emails must be signed with full name and hometown before they are approved – into some form of censorship. You were not treated any differently than anyone else, and if you would have read the guidelines sent to you when you joined, you would know this. This is standard policy, including not sharing emails on the list with a third party, another action you took when you sent Mr. Biscardi emails of others without their permission. As an editor of a newspaper, I’m certain you probably have standard policies that are similar about “letters to the editor.” And yet you have decided to post a form letter from Yahoo Groups that I didn’t write and claim censorship.
Opinions on Tom Biscardi by many seasoned Bigfoot researchers, who have been in the field long before Biscardi’s 1970s association with trickster Ivan Marx, yes, give insights into what we have seen from Mr. Biscardi. Promises of Bigfoot, the alleged capture of Bigfoot, national radio claims about the captive Bigfoot, and now blaming it on a woman scamming him in Nevada. Are you so naive? Claims of censorship stand right along side of you totally uncritical support of this individual.
Loren Coleman