If you look at the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society website you’ll see there are dozens of Bigfoot sighting reports recorded, covering every county in the state of Pennsylvania. Recently there’s been several new sightings near Dunbar in Fayette County, in the southwest corner of the state.
Featured in the Herald Standard article by Dave Zuchowski (see link below) are three sightings, two of which had multiple witnesses. A mother-daughter outing on September 23, 2009 resulted in a viewing of a tall, muscular being who got as close as 150 feet. The next day Pennsylvania Bigfoot researcher Eric Altman went back to the site with them and found a possible foot impression and a 3’x10′ lean-to structure.
In July 2009 a woman saw two Sasquatches close to town. A juvenile Bigfoot feasted on blackberries, accompanied by an adult.
Most recently, on January 31, 2010, Heath Landman and his twenty-year-old son, Heath Nickolas Jr., were driving when they saw a large bipedal creature cross the road in three steps. Landman described it as being 6’3″ with a cone-shaped head. Landman got his three brothers and two nephews to help him examine the site. They found hair and snow footprints. Eric Altman is handling this investigation and may send the hair to a lab for testing.
Source: New rash of Bigfoot sightings reported across Fayette County by Dave Zuchhowski, published March 14, 2010 in the Herald Standard.
I’ve previously written about Pennsylvania Bigfoot research in Pennsylvania: Footprints Found In Luzerne County. The Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society was my Bigfoot Site of the Day on August 21, 2009.