I spent the day getting to know Billy Willard and other members of Sasquatch Watch of Virginia by exploring their site, blog, photographs, and videos.
The front page of Sasquatch Watch of Virginia features a video of Billy Willard explaining the organization’s goals. Don’t miss it! I especially like that the site states, “Our friendly research methods do ‘not’ strive to harm or kill any wildlife. We seek to be cooperative and not hurtful to any person and to any public or private organizations.”
The Sasquatch Watch of Virginia Field Research Blog is rich with accounts of actual field investigations. I especially liked the analysis of unnatural stick structures near Bigfoot footprints, and the article about why they chose Autumn, the beagle, as their squatching dog. I’d love to read more about adventures with Autumn and other squatching expeditions in the wilds of Virginia!
This is a media-rich site with videos and a sound recording of a mysterious forest howl. There are slide shows hosted by Flickr showing Virginia scenery and Bigfoot “trace evidence” such as hair, footprints, and stick arrangements. The many photographs show Virginia as a state with miles of forest in which Sasquatches can hide and thrive.
Associated with the site is Sasquatch Watch Radio with Virginia hosts, Billy Willard and DB Donlon aka: Blogsquatcher.) On a recent show (August 17, 2009) they interviewed Bobbie Short of Bigfoot Encounters about her sightings and Bigfoot research. Phenomenal information with a great squatching lady and Bigfoot research enthusiast.
A site FAQ answers questions about Bigfoot authenticity and history. There are also links to the group’s forum, Yahoo group, and news feeds.
Sasquatch Watch of Virginia appears to be a motivated, experienced, and capable crew ready to respond to any recent Bigfoot sightings or encounters in the state of Virginia. I look forward to more Virginia Bigfoot adventure when I explore related sites later in the year.
I’m pretty sure bigfoot was sighted in scott county.
i saw a big foot at my house
I wanted to thank you for the review on our group. It is greatly appreciated!